I sent Clare off to school with a cup of grapes for her mid-morning snack, and James says he was offered hard boiled eggs, pretzels, and cheese at Co-op. Usually there is a fruit or a vegetable, but he was adamant that only those 3 choices were offered. He only ate the pretzels. Strange child has a thing about eggs. I keep offering them hoping he'll change his mind. He hasn't.
It was the Thanksgiving Feast today at Picadome. I was able to have lunch with Nora (but did not take a picture today). She had turkey with gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, chocolate milk, and some colored ice cream. I think it said it was "Fall Festival Ice Cream". She ate about 2/3 of the stuffing square and all of the sweet potatoes and ice cream. She put in a good effort on the turkey, but she said it had too many fatty parts. I thought there were parts that were a suspect color. Clare was hoping to have the ham option, but they had run out by the time she ate. She had turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, apples, ice cream, and chocolate milk. She thought it was all delicious, the gravy in particular.
James had peanut butter balls and carrots. I had a peanut butter sandwich.
For snack, Nora ate a granola bar at school provided by her running group. James and Clare had popcorn and banilla yogurt (that would be a vanilla and banana flavored yogurt). While I normally do Mark Bittman's Vegan Before 6 program on weekdays, today I just couldn't bring myself to eat more popcorn. So instead I had some cottage cheese leftover from the macaroni supplies with celery. It hit the spot.
After Nora's running group, we headed to the library to get the kids away from the house. I decided that would help alleviate anyone asking for food. You see, under normal circumstances, my middle daughter eats non-stop from 3 until bedtime if she can. She has one snack after another after another after another until you think she can't possibly eat anymore and then she has even more. My sister says she must need it or she would gain weight, but because you can distract her from eating, I'm not so sure. She hasn't been asking as much this week, but still, activity is good.
Dinner was a depressing affair. We pulled out all 3 leftovers: baked mac n' cheese, hoppin' john, and the enchilada casserole. James had the hoppin' john, Clare had some man n' cheese and enchilada, Nora had some enchilada, and I had a big serving of the mac n' cheese. I can't speak for the other dishes, but I can say that the mac n' cheese did not keep well. I do not shy from leftovers; in fact, I am all about a dish being better the next day with a little time to meld all those flavors together. This just brought out the frozen spinach taste. I had to pull out the Sriracha and douse the bowl. Then my mouth was on fire, and I couldn't taste anything. The kids ate their servings of the other foods, but obviously no one was excited.
That led to many after dinner snacks. We all shared about 2 cups of grapes. Clare and James had a clementine. Nora had some yogurt with peanuts. Then Clare and Nora both had a slice of cheese, and James had a banana (leaving us with 6). James finished the night off with his cup of milk at bedtime.
Josh comes home tonight. We head into the weekend tomorrow. I'm feeling like we're in a good spot. We have plenty of breakfast, lunch, and dinner food. There's coffee, albeit disgusting coffee (is no coffee better than disgusting coffee?). We should have enough fruits and veggies for most of us, and I'm remembering that we have about $30 left to spend. Whatever we lack, we just might be able to buy. Speaking of which, besides the money I spent on groceries (and the money I paid my babysitters, which I'm not counting), I have made it 4 days without spending any money.
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